Returning to (the new) Normal

21.10.21 11:43 AM By Macquarie Park Ryde BC

Contributed by Sabrina Ferguson, Arion Productions

With lockdown restrictions easing, the extroverts among us can’t wait to get back to the office and face to face business meetings, not to mention networking events.

For the not-so-extroverted, lockdown has provided an opportunity to do business from home with as little or much interaction as we want, and that action has typically been via Zoom and other meeting platforms.

We’ve all saved on fuel costs, we’ve saved time on commuting and maybe spent that time getting fitter outdoors. And yes, we’ve enjoyed ditching the corporate clothing for a few months.

So what if you’re feeling a little reticent to jump back into the face to face world?

Take your time.

If you are more comfortable running your meetings via Zoom for now, and it’s been effective for you, then keep it up. Online meeting software has forever changed the way we meet and has allowed people to expand their network and client base internationally.

Many people are feeling fearful about getting back into a busy society, bustling shopping centres and cafes. If that’s you, you’re not alone. It’s important that you go at your own pace and ease back into meeting up with clients, contractors and partners face to face. You mightn’t feel comfortable until you’ve seen a hairdresser/beautician/nail bar, for example.

We worry using about public transport, and touchpoints such as door handles thousands of people will be using in a day. Don’t be afraid to use disposable gloves and of course hand sanitiser.

If you’re returning to a large office you may be concerned about using communal facilities such as kitchens, toilets and meeting rooms. You may be able to arrange working from home for several days a week to minimize the number of people using the office. It’s important that you voice your concerns with your employer.

Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others, as we’ve all gone through a wild ride since the start of last year, and returning to ‘normal’ is going to take time and empathy.

Returning to a workplace right now is a genuine cause of anxiety across the community. Organisations such as Beyond Blue and Lifeline can help if you need someone to talk to.

Macquarie Park Ryde BC